*** UPDATE - My in-person clinic is currently open ***
Distance and Zoom sessions are available
Concessionary rate available for senior citizens, unemployed, students, children and pets.
Also available for your first session.
ONLINE CLASSES - I am pleased to announce that I can now offer some of my classes online. You will find current options at the Courses link below and I am hoping to offer further options soon.
ON-GOING SUPPORT - I understand that this has been, and is continuing to be a challenging time for many. I have provided online advice, group sessions, self-help techniques and healing visualisations to help those of you who are interested at the Support link below. I hope you find these useful.
Look after your wee selves,
Lesley x
"Nothing is terrible except fear itself."
Francis Bacon
Joe Dispenza and Bruce Lipton's Take
UK Doctor - Breathing Technique
Useful Links
Please like, share, subscribe, link, tweet!!
Bruce H Lipton, PhD
Patrick Holford
432 Hz Music - Stress Relief
432 Hz Music - Immune Support
Group Sessions
Manage Your Stress with Cortices
Guided Healing Visualisation
Stress is the underlying cause of most illness, pain and disease. Find ways to manage your stress.
We need 7-8 hours of sleep every night. No more - no less!!
We need at least 30 minutes daylight each day to reset our natural rhythms and cycles.
We need to breathe to survive - fresh air where possible.
Our bodies need water to function and detoxify. Choose fresh, clean, pure water. Don't drink it too too cold or too fast.
Walking is an amazing form of exercise and great for general health
Eat the rainbow!! Include plenty vegetables (especially green leafy ones), a little fruit, some nuts and seeds and lean protein.
Humans need social connection. Please find safe ways to stay connected with family and friends while in isolation.
There are many ways to have fun while in isolation. Play family games at home or online, watch a comedy box set, learn something new play your favourite music and dance like no-one's watching!!!