Updated 26 March 2020
Data Held: Session Data -
Paper copies of sessions, plus intake forms are locked in filling cabinets.
Audio files summarising sessions are recorded via Apple iphone voice memo prior to being sent to the client. The audio file is held on a computer for 28 days. The computer is password protected.
Session audios are sent via email or WhatsApp depending on the preferences of the client
Sessions audios are sometimes uploaded onto Opentext/Hightail for clients to download. They are held there for 28 days.
Some sessions are held in Dropbox during transition from one device to another and are removed once used.
Audio sessions are recorded in a private room.
Emails -
Emails from clients (and potential clients) are held on computer with password protection. General emails are deleted after 28 days. Emails holding information needed for sessions/history of cases are printed and added to the paper-based file and the electronic copy deleted within 28 days.
Emails held on server are firewall protected.
Class Registrations -
Student registration forms, feedback forms, photo release forms and consent forms are held in secure filing system. Records are stored in class date order. Compliant with ICO recommendations. Some registration forms are held in emails – if emailed by student.
Client Data –
Client mobile phone numbers, email and other contact details shared are held on mobile phone and are backed up onto iCloud contacts. This is face ID and password protected.
Lesley keeps a paper diary of session dates which is either with her and not visible to others or locked away if not in use. This diary only holds names of clients and phone number if necessary.
Children’s and animal data is held in same manner as adults – but with consent given to hold the data by the parent or guardian, via the consent form.
Consent forms are held within client’s files in locked cabinet.
Once paperwork is no longer needed it will be shredded.
Paperwork will be held as long as needed for insurance purposes, or for the lifetime of a client.
Online Newsletter & Sign Up Forms -
Online registrations for my mailing list and newsletter are held in Mailchimp. This is password protected & securely held by Mailchimp.
General -
Everyone can leave and unsubscribe from my mailing lists whenever they like.
Your IP address maybe tracked or Cookies used by third party sites (for example Mailchimp) to enable functions to work such as “share this” buttons inside emails.